Post by Martin II on Apr 2, 2010 19:22:48 GMT -5
Martin, It is too bad that you have become a disgrace to yourself, the hobby and sadly to our country. Martin II I can donkey nibbly bits well do and say, what I want. Your not gonna tell me what I can say or think, on this free will forum. You bytch about other "forums", yet you seem to think it is okay for you. Fvcking pack of hypocrites!!! Now shut your pie hole, deal with being called on an impression with post war belts and railroad tunics. Fix your mess and all is good!! Martin
Post by All that on Apr 3, 2010 13:07:26 GMT -5
Wow, I feel so bad....NOT!!!!
That made me laugh, Thanks!!!
Post by crazydima on Apr 5, 2010 9:28:49 GMT -5
Tovarischi, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love watching folks like MOD Marty and his ilk self destruct in public for everyone to see. He never disappoints me. LOL!!!!!! Nothing but name calling, insults and juvenile behavior can be expected from MOD Marty and this is good to know. He is consistent and predictable and we can all be glad for that quality. Perhaps someday Mod Marty will see the error of his way and become a constructive part of the hobby. Until then MOD Marty appears to enjoy being a foul mouthed, hypocritical, socially frustrated, poorly educated, history impaired, keyboard commando. Not to mention the fact that he is an incessant INTERNET bully. Heck, Dahveeeed and I have our issues(I will address those soon) but at least Dahveed has done quite a bit to get good quality RKKA information out to the masses. This is always a good thing in my book. Well I can see that we all have grown tired of the same old same old from MOD Marty so I will leave him to his own devices and get back to the business of researching and portraying the RKKA. As always my thanks to all of you who take the time to post quality information on this forum. Say goodnight Marty. Sincerely, Dima (One who likes bells but doesn't care much for ding-a-lings) ;D
Post by daveww2 on Apr 5, 2010 10:00:47 GMT -5
:-*Snoooze................. ;D DaaHVeed
Post by Not Dumbazz Dima on Apr 5, 2010 21:02:04 GMT -5
You do need to do some research batman belted farb!!!
Just remember you suk as does your pathetic impression and forum!!!!
Martin (not a dumbaz that needs major improvement!!!)
Post by horsesoldier176 on Apr 8, 2010 23:32:05 GMT -5
The history denier bleats like the wee sheeple it is!
So tell us Martin, what have YOU ever done to advance the hobby of Red Re-enacting?
Have you spent the time, and effort to gather, archive, and set up websites of historic photos, documents, and information, which you then made available to anyone? Like Dima has.
Have you gone out, and collected recipes, methods of cooking, as well as original stoves, utensils, and other implements to prepare, and serve food to the troops, like Vsahdneek has?
Have you worked with manufacturers, and sutlers to produce, and make available to the general Red re-enactors items that are currently not available, such as proper colors of paint, or liners for helmets, or proper period style notebooks, or writing utensils, and several other items?
I seriously doubt it. All you seem capable of doing is bitching, and whining about how lousy everyone else is, but I don't see any evidence that you are any better. Oh, and don't tell me how much better you are, SHOW ME! Post a picture, if you dare.
When you have done one tenth what others have to improve this hobby, then, maybe, I will consider your opinion as anything beyond the pathetic cries of a little boy, who can't cut it with the adults.
Post by Didnt even read it on Apr 9, 2010 0:46:35 GMT -5
I don't read those long ones, cause they are boring as fuk!!!
Your still a farb with a pistol belt, stoned on paint, molesting sheep!!!!
YOU SUK!!!!!
Post by horsesoldier176 on Apr 9, 2010 12:12:07 GMT -5
I don't read those long ones, cause they are boring as fuk!!! Your still a farb with a pistol belt, stoned on paint, molesting sheep!!!! YOU SUK!!!!! Martin Funny how the history denier claims it never read the post, but then references subjects discussed in it. Guess it can't even lie well. It does make one true statement though. It can't read longer, complicated posts. It's ADD/ADHD won't allow it to focus that long. Boridin
Post by Stupid horses azz on Apr 9, 2010 23:36:48 GMT -5
Your the one that has to have a 3 man unit, cause I think you're hot and no one will play with you, but other farbs!!!
What the hell are you doing something that looks like a bad RKKA impression at the Gap for?
The Russians were not at the Bulge. Fuking attention junkie with a bad impression!!!
Post by Trash board on Apr 9, 2010 23:41:05 GMT -5
I see Dimazz has messed with the filter again. It is good that F A R B come out as I think your hot, it just makes your board look that much more screwed up!!!
Let's see what else he can do to trash his board!!!
The fun has just began!!!
Post by 3 people on Apr 10, 2010 8:19:23 GMT -5
I look at your log in every day. You have 3 people that log in here on a regular basis. Horseazz, Suglassesfarb and the little prick from the UK. There are a couple of others that come here, more than likely to watch the BS. Dimazz shows up, a couple of times a week.
You have nothing here. You had a couple more, but they left. You should end your BS, and I will leave. I will stay here and type garbage until you quit. You can't do that though, you have nothing better to do.
Your just that dense.
Post by Dixieflyer on Apr 10, 2010 9:38:58 GMT -5
Martin, Actually, a good many more than three people have left, but it’s not because of Dima, or the other members of this board, it is because of you and your actions here. As a matter of fact, we’ve lost a member now from our unit and RKKA reenacting because of your words here. He was ok with your words in the heated discussion, but when you took it out of this section and followed him over to the other section, where he asked a perfectly legitimate question, you publicly humiliated him instead of helping him. I never got to meet him in person, but he did attend the B-H event with other members of our unit, and all members said he was a nice kid who showed great promise in the hobby. Guess what, HE WAS A MEMBER OF YOUR/OUR UNIT!!!!!!!!!! You’ve got to quit eating our young Martin. RKKA reenacting suffers enough as it is from small numbers, misinformation, idiotic labeling, etc. without driving off potential recruits, much less good ones, and members of your/our unit at that. Lev left, as did I because of this stuff here. I keep checking back in to see if it has all gone away. Another member of our/your unit no longer posts here anymore as well. Others don’t even bother. Thanks for helping out RKKA reenacting there Martin.
Dima, You know that my son and I, and our unit thinks the world of you, you’ve never been anything but a help to me/us whether it was in person, or here on the web. However, is there no way you and Martin could take your feud off this forum, and hash it out on your own. I know this is a matter of principals with you, I can identify with that. However, your principals are destroying this board, assisted in driving off at least one, if not more, from our end of the hobby, etc. In my mind you share some blame in this too.
You’re both acting like children. Were you in my classroom, one of you would probably be suspended, the other placed in an isolated classroom.
Yuri S.
Post by Eating young on Apr 10, 2010 9:53:24 GMT -5
If that is the little basterd that wished me dead, then he can go to another unit. We don't need sorry fuks like that. Let Dima have him.
He is a danger to himself and others.
The 8th Guards commander told that sunglass wearing farb, were he could get off. So he might take a clue from that.
This place doe nothing to advance anything. It is a freak show, with a bunch of inbreds misfits, trying to build a evil place.
Post by Dixieflyer on Apr 10, 2010 11:03:55 GMT -5
Martin, I'm not saying he was out of line on here, and I spoke with him more than once through e-mail about his behavior. I'm not sure, when I was his age, how I would react if I had a keyboard ans some anonymity. He is not totally innocent in all of this either. That is why I went to the folks in our unit who spent a weekend with him to find out what he was like at the event, in person. They said he was well-behaved, safe, and showed great potential. He's gone, it's done, and that story has ended. My point in even bringing it up, is that I though we could all learn from it. My point in all of this is that this place CAN BE a place of learning. I came here last summer and learned a great deal trolling through old posts, reading the new ones, and participating in a few myself. You and Dima do not, and I do not think ever will, get along. If you and Dima would be willing to take this elsewhere, this board can go back to being a place of learning. Dima has been very generous to me in person, through e-mails, and on this site and others in sharing information, etc. with me. He has helped me a great deal in my impression. To be honest, I would like for the Heated Discussion" area to disappear. It's all fine when the rumble stays there, but it spills over. I sure don't agree with everyone here, or what they say or stand for, but everyone has the potential to share and learn in the other sections. If I have a problem with you, or anyone else here, I will take it up off-list/off-forum either through e-mail, or face to face. I think that is a mature, gentlemanly way of doing things. I would like for everyone else here to do the same. I'm not being a naive "can't we all just get along" idealist. I know we/you/us can't all get along. However, for the sake of RKKA reenacting, could ALL involved PLEASE take this somewhere else? RKKA reenacting has enough to deal with without adding to it, and letting a grudge match kill off potential growth. Yuri S.
Post by Dixieflyer on Apr 10, 2010 11:06:33 GMT -5
Sorry, I meant to say "I'm not saying he was not out of line on here">